Introducing the ‘EBRD Green Cities Start-up Innovation Challenge’
EBRD Green Cities and Star Venture are joining forces to support start-ups that are developing innovative solutions to accelerate the decarbonisation of cities.
Go to event MoreEBRD Green Cities and Star Venture are joining forces to support start-ups that are developing innovative solutions to accelerate the decarbonisation of cities.
Go to event MoreThis event is designed to equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively design, manage and future-proof their businesses’ supply chains.
Ցանկանու՞մ եք ձեր HR գործառույթը վերածել բիզնեսի աճի ռազմավարական շարժիչի: Միացե՛ք մեզ դփոքր և միջին ձեռնարկությունների եզակի կարիքներին հարմարեցված օնլայն վեբինարին մասնակցելու համար:
Organiziramo sveobuhvatan trening za implementaciju umjetne inteligencije, prilagođen specifičnim potrebama SMEs, s ciljem povećanja njihove konkurentnosti, inovativnosti i operativne učinkovitosti.
Վեբինարը նախատեսված է ՓՄՁ-ների համար և կենտրոնանում է բիզնեսի ռազմավարական պլանավորման ու զարգացման կարևոր ասպեկտների վրա։
Спикер: Filip Dopierala, основатель и партнер LTA
Практики договорной работы с заказчиком в соответсвии с требованиями польского законодательства. Спикер: Joanna Nowak-Kubiak, юрисконсульт с опытом работы в Польше более 20 лет
Cybersecurity Training and Simulation Exercise designed specifically for SMEs in the SEMED region. aims to equip your business with the critical skills needed to defend against cyber threats.
Бесплатный онлайн курс в рамках программы Shell LiveWIRE, реализуемый ЕБРР и Шелл Казахстан. Курс дает инструменты для повышения эффективности предприятиям, имеющим в деятельности социальный элемент.
ევროპის რეკონსტრუქციისა და განვითარების ბანკის (EBRD) მცირე და საშუალო ბიზნესის დაფინანსების და განვითარების გუნდი გიწვევთ სამდღიან ონლაინ ტრენინგზე: ბიზნეს დიაგნოსტიკა
ევროპის რეკონსტრუქციისა და განვითარების ბანკის (EBRD) მცირე და საშუალო ბიზნესის დაფინანსების და განვითარების გუნდი გიწვევთ სამდღიან ონლაინ ტრენინგზე: მენეჯმენტ კონსალტინგის საფუძვლები.
Discover the EBRD's Star Venture program supporting startups, accelerators, and consultants with tailored mentorship, workshops, and access to finance and markets.
The Innovation Programme in Lebanon| Component 2 Information Session
Online interaktivno predavanje namijenjeno svim poduzetnicima koji žele uspješno poslovati na temelju najsuvremenijih spoznaja psihologijske i poslovne teorije i prakse.
The Innovation Programme in Lebanon| Component 1 Information Session
The training will help women entrepreneurs enhance financial literacy; their awareness and understanding of the broad range of available financial instruments.
The last webinar in the series for SMEs 'Driving the green transition: How SMEs can navigate climate challenges and grow sustainably'
A part of a webinar series for SMEs 'Driving the green transition: How SMEs can navigate climate challenges and grow sustainably'
A part of a webinar series for SMEs 'Driving the green transition: How SMEs can navigate climate challenges and grow sustainably'
Two half-day trainings on ESG for SMEs
Семинар ЕБРР с участием международного отраслевого эксперта, который осветит все этапы создания fashion бренда, от анализа рынка сбыта до разработки коллекции.
The first webinar in the series for SMEs 'Driving the green transition: How SMEs can navigate climate challenges and grow sustainably'
Join us for an Exclusive Session: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Business and Professional Women Amman (BPWA) present ASB Program Support for BPWA Members.
Academia de Management Financiar este un training dedicat antreprenorilor locali ce doresc să-şi consilideze cunoştinţele în administrarea financiară a afacerii.
If you are a consultant in the export industry looking to work with the EBRD and unlock new horizons this webinar is for you!
The course introduces a range of different financial models that can be used in budgeting, project management, consultancy costing and pricing and in overall consultancy project financial assessment.
Are you ready to take control of your SME financial future? Join us to our Financial Management Enhancement for SMEs and Women Entrepreneurs webianr co-organised with the OECT!
EBRD is partnering with CNFCE to empower women entrepreneurs to thrive in the digital landscape. An opportunity to discover strategies to harness the potential of digital realm!
Программа направлена на вывод 25 казахстанских предприятий с наибольшим потенциалом роста, возглавляемых женщинами, на качественно новый уровень развития через углубленную работу с бизнес-экспертами.
Demonstrate the capabilities of the I-Go tool to targeted SME’s, provide an understanding of their environmental impact and guide them towards actionable steps to enhance their green practices.
This training includes important aspects of responding to change which is a topic that has been prioritised as consultants are facing significant and sudden changes in the digitalised environment.
Курс основан на лучших международных практиках и глубоких экспертных знаниях. Курс является интерактивным и включает в себя практические упражнения и реальные примеры.
H EBRD σας προσκαλεί στο 15ο ΔΩΡΕΑΝ επιμορφωτικό σεμινάριο «Προηγμένες εξαγωγικές πρακτικές και εμπορικές συναλλαγές» με θέματα που αφορούν στις εξαγωγές.
Regional Sustainability and ESG Training for SMEs from CSEE countries.
Курс основан на лучших международных практиках и глубоких экспертных знаниях. Курс является интерактивным и включает в себя практические упражнения и реальные примеры.
Within the technical assistance programs, this workshop is dedicated to supporting women entrepreneurs gain expertise on different subjects to support their business growth.
EBRD-ს მცირე და საშუალო ბიზნესის დაფინანსების და განვითარების გუნდი გიწვევთ ოთხდღიან ონლაინ ტრენინგზე: Going Digital - ციფრული მარკეტინგი მცირე და საშუალო ბიზნესისთვის.
Учебный модульный курс-практикум для бизнес-консультантов. В ходе обучения будут рассмотрены инструменты и подходы бизнес-диагностики для работы с клиентами в практике консультанта.
Тренинг поможет вам понять, как эффективно запустить и развивать онлайн-продажи товаров и услуг и использовать онлайн инструменты для продвижения собственного бизнеса в Интернете.
ASB in Morocco is organizing a conference style event to address the market issues and provide support to SME beneficiaries in that priority sector. This SDA will be led by Silvia Carter.
EBRD Agribusiness and Star Venture are joining forces to launch the AgVenture programme, which aims to support start-ups to enhance their competitiveness and sustainable growth.
Development of training “Franchising/licensing as a growth strategy” for consultants of Morocco
In this last event of the Masterclass series, consultants will go over the principles of a circular economy and learn how to adapt them to SMEs.
Presentation of the trends in the export sector for 2023 and discussion on how businesses can adopt and follow the corresponding trends.
This part of the Masterclass series will explore sustainability from all business angles and dive into both the challenges and opportunities of embracing sustainability as a core business model.
Part of EBRD's Masterclasses for consultants series. How can consultants promote green agenda – how to find green opportunities in mainstream consulting projects
Advice for Small Businesses for Belarusians abroad Programme Launch is arranged to introduce the Programme in Lithuania and to inform on support of consulting projects and planned activities.
3 workshopuri axate pe Tehnologiile de Rezilienţă Climatică disponibile pentru a fi implementate în Republica Moldova, calcule de rentabilitate şi oportunităţi de acesare a surselor de finanţare.
EBRD Green Cities and Star Venture are joining forces to support start-ups that are developing innovative solutions to accelerate the decarbonisation of cities.